Burleigh Brook Park
26 March 2021
30th March 1899
‘Councillor Geo. Adcock having laid out a park near Burleigh Brook, Ashby Road, at great expense to himself, announces a preliminary opening on 3rd April 1899. The park is designed principally for the rational enjoyment and recreation of the people. A good sized lake has been formed, and the park is about 4 acres in extent, and is pleasantly situated on the declivity and in the valley of Burleigh.‘
‘George Adcock begs to inform the public that he intends to have a Preliminary Opening of the above park on Easter Saturday, and Monday weather permitting.’
‘Various amusements will be provided at a small charge to pay for the attendant. Day trips around the island every five minutes in the Steamer. Tea and other refreshments at moderate prices.’
‘For the comfort of visitors a very large number of seats are provided round the Park and Lake.’
‘On Saturday 1st April, the Borough Band will play a concert in the afternoon and will play for dancing. Park open at 2. Admission Adults 2d, Children under 12 years 1d.
On Easter Monday the Volunteer Band is engaged and will proceed to the Park at 2 o’clock, weather permitting. Admission three-pence, children under 12 years 1d.
Apparently, Burleigh Brook Park was known locally as Tickle Belly Park, which displeased Mr Adcock who preferred a more upmarket view of his investment.
Further information about the park and George Adcock can be found by Lynne Dyer here and Graham Hulme on Remember Loughborough here.
Snippets of history from the Loughborough Advertiser, Loughborough Herald and Loughborough Monitor, collated by Loughborough Library Local Studies Volunteers. Source: Matthew’s Local Newspaper Extracts Vol. 4.