Christmas cards #2
9 December 2020
With many thanks to Karen Ette* for sharing these pictures of Christmas cards from her own personal collection.
‘The various Christmas cards are mostly early 20th century, and I think the ‘sister’ one might be late 19th century. The two embroidered ones were sent to my maternal grandmother in Seagrave and the three others to my paternal grandmother in Syston.’
‘There’s nothing on the back of the New Year card apart from the fact that it’s German, so it probably pre-dates the Great War.’
Karen Ette
What’s the oldest card in your collection?

*Karen Ette is the author of ‘Don’t Be Late in the Morning,’ a fictionalised account of her grandparents’ experiences in Syston and at The Front in France leading up to and during World War One. Find out more about it here.